Sales CPR – Confidence

In reviewing this month’s Sales CPR as it relates to Confidence, I would like to point out that simplicity is key. Sometimes as sales professionals and executives we can “overthink” the problem. What gives a salesperson confidence? What gives us confidence in...

Train, Drill, Drill, and Drill

In sales, nothing builds confidence like continuously improving your skills. Salespeople who regularly have trouble selling are either missing one or more basics in their sales skill arsenal, or they just don’t practice them enough so that they’ve really “got” them....

Manners in Communication

Manners and communication work hand-in-hand, and in fact, it could be said that one won’t work very well without the other. Just try communicating with bad manners—what you’re trying to say will not get across very well, and if it reaches the other person at all, it’s...

Effective Executives

Planning Effective executives always have a bigger picture in mind articulated in the form of a strategic plan. The broad actions listed in the strategic plan are then broken down into smaller more focused targets within a tactical plan. From the tactical, even...

Always Be Surveying

A primary factor for sales confidence is knowledge—knowledge about your product or service, knowledge about your prospect, knowledge about your prospect’s company, and knowledge about your prospect’s industry or market. As they say, knowledge is power, and in the case...