Always Be Contacting

Traditionally the “ABCs” of sales have meant “Always Be Closing.” But as we show throughout our training, literature, and workshops, closing is never the problem. Failed closes come about from neglected sales process steps prior to closing. Therefore, we’d like to...

Getting Your Prospect Talking

A vital part of contacting a prospect, especially a new prospect, is getting them talking. If you neglect this step, you’re not going to make it any further, and you certainly won’t make it to the close. Getting the prospect to talk is done by granting importance to...

Cold Calling: To Do, or Not to Do?

One common method of contact, of course, is cold calling. And if there’s one thing salespeople fear and hate, it’s cold calling! But sometimes you have no choice but to pick up that phone and start calling potential customers. It’s a fact of life, and most of us have...

Communicate Far and Wide

You make money to the degree that you can attract attention to your product or service. You attract attention to the degree you communicate outward, in an ever-widening sphere. Communicate as far as you possibly can…and then keep going. Many social media experts talk...