For this month’s newsletter and blogs, our topic is keeping your company’s attention on year-end goals despite the major distractions of an emotionally charged Presidential election.

We’ve been covering measures you can take to help ensure targets and quotas are achieved leading up to the election and beyond it through to the end of the year. An important factor in all this, which we’re going to go over now, is marketing and prospecting during this election period.

Understanding the Landscape

At any time, obtaining and maintaining a good understanding of your target prospects and customers is vital. What are their concerns? What are they seeking in the kinds of products and services your company offers? How can your products and services address those concerns?

This information is accomplished through research, and that research is accomplished through consistently surveying your prospects. Marketing normally takes on this role, although it can also be accomplished by others who contact prospects, such as salespeople.

Separately, research should be consistently conducted on customers—those who have already purchased your products and services and who could purchase more. Again, Marketing usually does this, but it can also be easily done by salespeople who are in regular contact with customers, and even by delivery and customer service personnel.

Throughout the Election Year

However, these functions take on an additional important aspect during an election year. What are the reasons prospects would purchase your products and services during this turbulent time? They also might have come up with reasons why they shouldn’t purchase in an election year—and if you know these reasons, you can work to change their minds.

It’s a similar situation with customers who have already purchased. Why would they continue to buy from you during this time? Or why would they not? Keeping that research ongoing will give you the information you need.

Marketing and Sales

Although many companies seem to not quite understand this principle, marketing and sales can only be confidently accomplished when prospect opinions, needs and wants are fully understood. Your prospects’ thoughts and opinions can then be effectively utilized in marketing and sales to get your company’s products and services into buyers’ hands.

The same, of course, is true of customers. By utilizing customer survey data, you can properly market to customers and keep them purchasing your products and services.

And In the Election Time

While they may not, your marketing and sales tactics will likely need some revision during this election year. It’s an emotional time, and prospects and customers will react with those emotions. To ensure their impassioned responses don’t negatively affect your sales, utilize the information you have gained from surveys in your marketing and sales messaging. In such a way, you’re using the various feelings they may be experiencing to influence your sales positively—you’re providing them with reasons why they should buy during this time.

Note that your marketing and sales will probably not depend on which side of the political fence prospects and customers are on. They will only depend on prospects’ and customers’ points of view.

Understanding those points of view is critical at any time, but it is doubly so during this turbulent election season. Make sure you have it.


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