This month’s blog and newsletter topic is “restoring personnel integrity.” This means retaining the right kind of personnel that will continue moving your company to success and restoring relationships with personnel so they’re retained.

The focus in this article is restoring relationships, which is especially important for managers with their team members. Now that the pandemic has ended, the trend of working totally from home has shifted at least partially back to working from the office—and these relationships must be rebuilt and strengthened.

Overcoming Barriers

There are numerous barriers that were brought about by the pandemic that must be addressed as we move slowly but surely back into a more normal existence in business. These barriers are overcome through a high level of communication between managers and employees.

The first of these barriers is the current unstable economic environment, which is affecting companies and employees alike. Managers must inspire confidence in their teams that they can make it through these tough times, and consistently remind them that the company is poised for success. Managers must be willing to stay in communication with team members and address any worries they may have.

The second of these barriers, introduced by the pandemic, is working remotely. Many companies are operating on a hybrid basis—some of the staff working from home, and others working in the office. A high level of communication must be maintained with both, of course, but it is especially important with those working from home since they are out of physical contact.

For all team members, no matter where they are, managers must maintain morale and create a team spirit. Staff meetings can be conducted that include everyone—with on-site staff who can attend in person and the remote workers through videoconferencing.


All of these different factors can be addressed through the proper tools and techniques.

For tracking production, the right key performance indicators (KPIs) must be applied, and staff, no matter where they are, must regularly report on them. Management must take adequate measures to deal with both down-trending and up-trending KPIs.

Recognition and acknowledgment for high performance is another important tool. All too often attention is only given to staff and areas of the company that are having trouble. It is vitally important to pay at least equal attention to employees who are doing really well—fully recognize and acknowledge them for work well done. This creates a culture in which staff know they can win and are appreciated when they succeed.

Another very important tool, one which is often neglected and needs to be fully in place in all businesses, is continuous improvement. This means correction for those who need it—find out why they’re having difficulty and get them what they need to make it. It also means continuous training for all staff. Everyone can always get better, and they need to if the company is going to succeed.

Build From a Strong Foundation

As we’ve covered in other articles in this month’s series, you need to make sure you’re hiring the right people with proven track records. From that foundation, take good care of the staff you hire and continuously improve them. And that all happens through strong communication.

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