The topic for this month’s newsletter and blogs is focus and persistence on your company’s goals for 2023. The year has started on shaky ground—massive layoffs from major companies such as Microsoft and Amazon, amid an economic recession. The only way companies will make it is to persist and keep focused.

In this article, we’re going to look at the fact that, to be successful, the environment we’re currently in requires a higher level of communication than normal so that the company can keep its finger on the pulse of the market.

Marketing and Sales

Through this series, we’ve touched on two of the most important departments in the company—marketing and sales. While these two departments can often be at odds and in conflict, it is now more important than ever that communication and cooperation between these two areas remain extremely high.

Marketing is the department that broadly keeps track of the company’s marketplace. Not only is this information gathered by the marketing department to be utilized within the company’s marketing communications, but they also forward it to sales providing valuable insight into the mindset of the current market.

Marketing is also the department generating leads that are then forwarded to sales. Sales must regularly report to marketing on what they’re experiencing with the prospects that come from these leads. Marketing can then utilize this information in adjusting marketing communications, web, and other content to ensure marketing efforts continue to be successful.

The Delivery Team

Many companies have delivery teams that install or get products and services up and running with customers.

This team is another that deals directly with the company’s clients, and for that reason is often the receipt point of information that is quite valuable. They also are often the first to know about current issues or bugs with the product or service.

Therefore they should regularly report to both marketing and sales—especially when they have good news about how the company’s products and services are benefiting customers.

Technical Support or Customer Service

Another touchpoint with the customers is, for technology companies, technical support. For other companies dealing in non-technology products or services, there might be a customer service department that fields and handles complaints, repairs or warranty issues.

Technical support or customer service must also regularly communicate with marketing so that marketing doesn’t make promises about the product or service that the company cannot deliver on. They should also advise sales of objections they might encounter in the field and how these could be addressed.


Another communication point is management, the people entrusted with the company’s overall success. Information from sales, marketing, delivery and tech support or customer service needs to be regularly provided to management so that they can stay on top of all aspects of company relations with the public.

Management must also, of course, maintain regular communication with all other departments of the company to be well informed the current state of all operations.

In large companies, management must also report to the board of directors. Therefore regular and accurate information from every area of the company is crucial.

Communication between company departments is essential at any time—but it is vital in unstable times such as these.

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