The topic for this month, for our newsletter and blogs, is “Lifting the Pandemic Curtain.” During the pandemic, it was as if much activity—business and even life—was occurring behind a curtain, and we couldn’t tell exactly what was happening. Now that the curtain has lifted—much like in The Wizard of Oz—we can see what’s going on.

While that curtain was down, we couldn’t see things very well, could we? Rumors ran rampant, as did anxiety for the future. Now that the curtain is up and everything is visible once more, it’s time for a real conversation in 2023.

Manufactured Divisiveness

One of the top problems facing us today is divisiveness—between political parties, between ethnicities, between religions, and between anyone else that the media can dream up.

Please realize that this divineness is manufactured and, at the least, exaggerated. It causes people to walk around, taking furtive glances at the others “over there,” afraid to approach or talk to anyone else for fear of backlash, upset, or attack.

There is a very simple solution for this created divisiveness.

Reach Out

If you make a little effort and time to cross that manufactured divide, you’re going to make an amazing discovery: there are real people out there, and they, like you, are very happy to associate! Coming back from the pandemic, we’re all still so immersed in our cell phones that we tend not even to look up when dealing with folks. Let’s change that.

Whomever you happen to talk to—the cashier at the store, the teller at the bank, the barista at your favorite coffee bar, your neighbor out trimming their hedges—take some time to find out about them. How are they? What are their lives like? What do they enjoy doing? You’ll be pleasantly surprised, and so will they. There are great people everywhere.

For Your Customers

From your company, reaching out to your prospect and customer base is equally as vital. The business world is still waking up from its three-year kind of slumber, hidden behind that pandemic curtain. During that time, different issues and challenges arose that may not match up to the profile you had of them before the pandemic. Much has changed over the last three years.

Take the time to launch a project to discover what issues your prospects are now encountering, compared to the environment before the pandemic. Reach out and have real conversations with them. Offer them the help that your products and services can provide. Have conversations with your customers, too, to find out what they’re now running into.

Adjust your marketing to take into account what you find out in talking to prospects and customers so that your products and services align with your prospects’ and customers’ current issues and problems.

Restoring Goals and Dreams

One aspect of reaching out to any of these groups of people is reminding them of what they’re trying to do. Assist them in any way you can to restore the goals and dreams they’ve always had, which might have been interrupted by the turmoil of the last three years.

The best part of reaching out to others is reminding yourself of what you’re trying to accomplish. What’s your purpose, and how can you return to it? We tend to forget when we withdraw from society and from other people.

The curtain has risen from the pandemic. It’s time for a real conversation in 2023. Reach out and have one…or many!

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