For many years, there has been a lack of sales training in certain key areas. Just look at the amount (in millions) that the company spends on sales training each year, mainly on checkout. If such training is effective, then we will definitely finish the course more routinely, isn’t it? However, as our research has found, we still face 20% of salespeople closing 80% of sales. Until now, this 80-20 obstacle has never been broken.

Part of the routine sales training is to equip sales people with a “feature set.” In other words, they contact potential customers and immediately launch the functionality of their products or services. Then they will aim to end as soon as possible. Unfortunately, few people actually get there.

The main reason for the failure is the lack of real communication. Sales people are involved in some social chats from the start. “How are we going to weather like this?” “Like that dress!” “What about those bears?” Strictly speaking, this is social communication, and you will get nothing.

To get real evidence of social communication, just remember the time you went to work last morning. What do you usually say to the first person you meet? “How are you?” What is the usual answer? “fine.”

Now, ask yourself, do you really understand that person from that answer? Nothing this is a complete social answer.

In sales, you really need to understand your prospects, otherwise you will get nothing. You need to understand why they are interested in products or services like yours, why they always want to buy products, and they think products or services are really helpful to them. You will not receive any information until you have a real conversation with a potential customer. Most importantly, you won’t be able to break any sales resistance for that potential customer because they won’t share their actual objections.

There is only one solution for communication in sales: let us be a reality!

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