The topic for this month’s newsletter and blogs is focus and persistence on your company’s goals for 2023. The year has started on shaky ground—massive layoffs from major companies such as Microsoft and Amazon, amid an economic recession. The only way companies will make it is to persist and keep focused.

A prime enemy of persistence and focus is uncertainty—so company leadership must do all it can to keep the company in a positive and confident frame of mind.

Spreading of Fear

Uncertainty is bred by fear, and there is certainly enough fear in our environment today. There are the aforementioned layoffs, which can strike fear into the heart of any company employee. The last year has seen the economy in runaway inflation, now making its way into a recession, which is troublesome for business staff and their families. There is a disastrous war in the east. Then there is the media, which will take any of the above issues, or any portion of them, and wring all the sensationalism they can out of them and create the worst possible picture.

Leadership has a tough enough time keeping themselves focused and moving forward in such an environment—but leadership must always keep in mind that their employees are reading the same articles and seeing the same news stories that they are. The staff are well aware of all of the turbulence in today’s world.

Bringing Certainty About

How can leadership deal with all the fear and uncertainty bombarding their staff on a daily basis? By balancing out the external noise—or even drowning it out—with internal good news.

Such positivity begins with reinforcing the company’s goals, purposes and mission. Regularly remind employees of these factors, and how each and every employee is contributing to the company’s forward motion and success—and thereby their own survival.

Next, any commercial environment, no matter how bad it is made to look by the media, always carries opportunities. Find the opportunities that are appropriate to your company’s line of business and loudly point them out—especially if it is evident that your competitors have not yet seen them. Get marketing and sales to jump all over these opportunities.

Lastly, consistently hunt up every scrap of good news from around the company, and even from around the company’s marketplace. Broadcast all the good news possible across the whole enterprise, and get the staff talking about that instead of the external uncertainty. You could even hold a company game, issuing small rewards to staff who bring up positive good news.

Constant Reminders

Consistently remind the staff that in spite of everything going on elsewhere, they are doing a great job by staying true to company goals and dreams and causing them to be achieved. Reinforce the idea that the company is continually making progress, and the staff are making it happen.

Additionally, educate your employees on the fact that bad news from the media is always the source of rumors, and that rumors are rarely factual. Tell them to be on the lookout for rumors and to simply squash them when they’re heard—don’t pass them on.

In this way, you can keep the focus and bring about successful outcomes for the company and employees alike.

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