The theme for this week’s newsletter and blogs is “Don’t wait.” Now that the election is over, many leaders in many companies are waiting to see what changes the new administration might bring.
It’s not just the leaders, though. Anything the leaders do will spill over into the rest of the company.
At The Top
Company leadership is the ones who look out over the market and economic landscape and make decisions about where the company is headed. They then set goals, issue orders and provide direction, which becomes company strategy, which the company then follows.
If, after the election, top executives have been hesitant because they were waiting to see where the economy was headed, they will hold up on setting goals. There will be a lack of motion at the top level of the company.
Trickling Down
What happens at the lower levels of the business when leadership is hesitant about moving forward? The rest of the staff pick up on that lack of motion at the top. Rumors will circulate about how the new presidential administration might affect the company’s future. The employees, like their leaders, will then focus on changes in the business environment instead of getting the company moving on to where it should be.
After a while, the company’s forward motion slows down. It will not be as successful compared to when it was “full steam ahead.” That lack of impetus will result in a decrease in staff motivation and production level.
Note that the larger the company, the harder it will be to speed up once it begins slowing down, like trying to accelerate an ocean liner versus a cabin cruiser. But no matter the company size, the best thing to do is not to allow it to hesitate and slow down to begin with.
What To Do Instead
As we’ve detailed in this month’s articles, the best way to proceed is not to wait to see what changes the new presidential administration might bring. Start the year out with a bang by setting goals for the business as a whole and then for every department.
Such goals should be independent of any potential economic direction. The company has always had a foundational set of successful operations. Develop goals based on those, and get the company moving on them.
Get marketing to pull out successful ad campaigns, update them as needed, and launch them. Get sales out selling to regular customers and to hot prospects. Get the delivery department to closely follow up sales and promptly get products and services delivered. Get customer service active in ensuring all customers, new and old, are satisfied.
Doing all of this will break the company out of any “waiting” inertia and get everyone into action, which is where you want the company to be.
So don’t wait. Set those goals for the New Year and get the whole company moving on achieving them.
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