Our topic this month is “Strategic Planning Versus the Holiday Hangover.” To avoid the “holiday hangover” it is vital to have strategic planning done before the new year begins so that it starts off with a bang, instead of wasting the first month of the new year battling holiday hangover and trying to create strategy at the same time.

Part of that strategic planning must address the positive changes in our economy that are already taking place. Any strategic planning must include this qualifier: “Be Nimble.”

What Does It Mean, in This Case?

Oxford Languages defines the word “nimble” as being “quick and light in movement or action; agile.” We’ve all seen how this definition applies to an athlete. In football, an agile running back is one who receives a handoff or a pass and then can move swiftly down the field to take the ball as far as possible, dodging opposing team offensive players the whole way. Another example would be running hurdles in track; the runner must be able to move at lightning speed and deftly jump hurdles at the same time. On an Olympic level, it is amazing to watch. Both of these are great examples of being nimble.

What does nimble mean in business? It means keeping careful watch on one’s particular market and economic indicators in general and then making business decisions and “moves” to take advantage of these factors.

Being Nimble in 2025

If you have been paying attention to the new administration just elected, you can predict that things are going to change. You can work being nimble into your strategic planning. Be ready to pivot, move and take advantage of any positive factor in your business environment.

In our last article, we provided an example of a plumbing supply business. In this new economy, such a company could be expected to do well, as plumbing companies will thrive in an expanding real estate market.

An example of such a business being nimble would be to pay close attention to commercial and residential real estate trends. Plumbing contractors will be needed in any area where new construction is going up. A plumbing supply company will already have steady local plumbing contractors as their customer base. When the plumbing supply company sees that a new strip mall is being constructed, they immediately discover who the plumbing contractor is for the job; they nimbly reach out and become the supplier.

Remodeling is also common in an up real estate market, both for commercial and residential. Plumbing is always part of a remodel, so the plumbing supply company should make part of their strategy regular promotion to contractors specializing in remodels.

Don’t Be Rigid

In our previous article, we discussed generally taking advantage of an up economy instead of simply riding along with the wave. Some businesses operate with the same marketing and sales strategies they always have, even in a greatly improving economy. That could be viewed as a “rigid” operation, and doing things that way will cause such a company not to be nearly as successful as one that moves with positive changes.

So, being nimble in 2025 is critical for any business. Make being nimble part of your strategic planning, and win!


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