Cold Calling: To Do, or Not to Do?

One common method of contact, of course, is cold calling. And if there’s one thing salespeople fear and hate, it’s cold calling! But sometimes you have no choice but to pick up that phone and start calling potential customers. It’s a fact of life, and most of us have...

Communicate Far and Wide

You make money to the degree that you can attract attention to your product or service. You attract attention to the degree you communicate outward, in an ever-widening sphere. Communicate as far as you possibly can…and then keep going. Many social media experts talk...

Positive Control Means a Win-Win

Continuing our series on control, we come to another reason that control is of such vital importance: you won’t reach the win-win of a closed sale without it. First, let’s look at why you’re selling someone a product or service, to begin with. If you’re only doing it...

How Important is Control?

In our blogs this month, we’ve been talking about various aspects of a very important subject in sales: control. Control is the second of the 8 core abilities required to be a top salesperson. Control has negative meanings for some people. They resist control because...