Are you Making the Case for your Product or Service?
On a recent Saturday morning I spent an hour of my time at my local Best Buy electronics superstore. I was there to continue my quest to find the perfect laptop. I was hoping to find one that fit the size, memory, speed and price point requirements that buyers like me...
The Single Defining Trait of the Exceptional Salesperson
What single defining trait separates the consistently exceptional salesperson from the rest of the pack? The highest producing salespeople have a myriad of talents that the less inclined lack. A greater level of enthusiasm and motivation, better organization and...
Give Your Prospect More Options and Close More Deals
Ever notice how our lives are immersed in the influences of three? In life: Past, present, future - carbs, protein, fat. In Religion: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. In Fairy tales: The three bears, three wishes and the three little pigs. In advertising: The...
The Top 10 Reasons Salespeople Can’t Close Deals
Prospective buyers are emotional. Whether it is fear, worry, anxiety, conservatism, boredom or exhilaration, the weak closer is unwilling to confront and deal with these perfectly natural emotions. They perceive using pressure is bad. They personally don’t like ”being...
Is Lack of Continuous Follow Up Affecting your Income?
Are you and your sales team truly following up on your prospects in a timely manner? Do not assume! Take a fresh look to find out if the follow up to your prospects is timely and effective. We often hear from salespeople about how they do not have enough leads and...
The Quick Revenue Boost
From time-to-time, almost every company needs a quick revenue boost for a quarter, a year-end, or a number of other reasons. However, you don’t want to do it at the expense of longer term growth or by jeopardizing profits. How do you go about doing it without throwing...
Motivating Your Sales Team
How do you create a motivated sales team in spite of the economy? Is it impossible to have motivated sales personnel in today’s economy? We think not and we believe we can show you how to get your sales personnel not only motivated but actually enthusiastic about...
Is Cold Calling Necessary as Part of the Contact Step?
What is cold calling? By definition a “cold call” is described as contacting prospects from a list that you have no information about and have never talked to before. This would be a completely cold call. In the past this has been done from a phone book or list that...
How to get Direct Access to the Final Decision Maker
Description: So you have worked very hard to sell your product or service to the representative of the clients company and either have known all along that there was a final decision maker or in the worst case have just found out there is a final decision maker and do...