
Competence Tips and Tools

Risk. It's the reason why all of us think twice before making a significant purchase. Risk is defined as "the possibility of harm, loss or injury." The experienced sales professional, the top 5-10% producer, is one who understands that to increase his or her...

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Confidence Tips and Tools

When we talk about Confidence at SELLability we talk about the ability to "read" prospects (their true intentions, desires and fears) and understand the immense role human emotions have in the sales process. We refer to these emotional roller-coasters as a "reactive"...

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Contact Tips and Tools

Making an initial contact with a "cold" prospect can be difficult to say the least. But it doesn't have to be. Assume the viewpoint of the individual you are calling, what would peak their interest, or at the least compel them to want to take the next step?  After all...

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Certainty Tips and Tools

The initial stages of any presentation are vital to your overall success in sales. Great salespeople know this and take the time in the early stages to set the ground-work to establish if this particular prospect is interested enough and qualified enough to move...

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What Does it Mean to “Qualify” your Sales Prospect?

Money or Budget The first thing, and many times the only thing salespeople worry about, is whether or not the customer has the money or the budget. While this is an extremely important part of the qualifying process, we would first ask you, the salesperson, a few...

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Being in Control of the Sales Process

Are you steering your prospect in the right direction, or is the prospect steering you? The last house my family sold was in 2009. It was an investment property we had purchased several years earlier, remodeled, and placed back on the market. My wife and I were, as...

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How Rewards Motivate Salespeople

Watch the How-to-Video “Rewarding Production”. Implement a system that rewards production and results. The recognition factor is incredibly motivating for salespeople, beyond the monetary rewards that comes with only paying commissions. Implement a reward system where...

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