Conversion is tied to the competence of your sales team.

Competence is irresistible for your prospect.

A competent salesperson consistently presents undeniable evidence that shows why your product or service exceeds your prospect’s expectations and leaves the prospect inspired to take action and obtain your product or service.

Do you lose sleep over lost sales? Stressed about taking your business to the next level? Just can’t make your revenue goals? Tired of having a sales force that doesn’t consistently meet their sales quotas? You are not alone!

One of the main problems is consistency. It can feel impossible to maintain a high standard in each presentation or sales cycle, but it is essential to do just that. Your salespeople are guessing what to do instead of knowing what to do!

Would you like to increase your revenues by 50% or more? We analyze your sales process from beginning to end. We then create marketing collateral that your salespeople then use to double their closing rate. 

Instead of avoiding or resisting customer objections, salespeople can embrace them and effectively handle them using power closing collateral!


If you’re in sales, it can feel like a continuous battle to close each deal, even when you know the prospect could really use your product or service. And raising your closing ratio to where you want it to be can feel impossible.

Per surveys, we know you want to get the selling cycle better under control, close more in less time, achieve more and have increased sales. We know the secret – it’s called Customized Sales Collateral!

Why Customized Sales Collateral?

We have developed a highly effective tool to improve your closing ratio. It’s not your standard “marketing collateral”, but a carefully customized guide used by the salesperson to take the prospect to the close. It creates the right emotional impact, makes a compelling case for your product and destroys the competition, leaving the decision to purchase inevitable.

The sales process is emotionally reactive, not logical. The corporate buyer who may be putting his job on the line is no less prone to react emotionally than a consumer worried about monthly payments. These emotional reactions form a wall of sales resistance that can block the close. The sales collateral carves a direct path through the resistance to a successful close, reducing your average time to close while also rocketing the close ratio.

Harvard Business Review has calculated that an underperformer closes one in eleven prospects. What’s the cost of those ten lost sales? They’re buying from someone, just not you.

Thank you for helping us figure out how to sell our products. My entire sales force has total certainty on our products and services and is following the sales process which has resulted in a 6x of our sales closing ratio overall.

K.L. – COO, KS

SELLability’s Sales Collateral was the missing ingredient to our success. Although we had been in business for many years and had a sales process and sales training in place, the actual process SELLability went through to create our collateral helped us to realize areas within the sales process that were weak. We now have a solid sales process and collateral the salespeople use to help them get the results we are looking for every time. I highly recommend it!”

N.T. – CEO, WA

The Sales Collateral from SELLability saved my sales teams lives, not to mention  my own!  There are no more questions as to how to handle certain circumstances. They just follow the collateral and all becomes right.

J.Q. – EVP Sales, FL