
In Lean Economic Times—Market Like a (Department Store) Boss!

Our topic this month for our newsletter and blogs is “How to survive in a lean market.” It’s an election year, and the economy is characteristically lean. Hence, we’re going to cover how to survive as a business in these times. Our previous article covered the vital...

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In a Lean Market—Cut Marketing at Your Own Risk

Our topic this month for our newsletter and blogs is “How to survive in a lean market.” It’s an election year, and the economy is characteristically lean. Hence, we’re going to cover how to survive as a business in these times. One way to NOT survive in this...

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In Lean Economic Times, Customer Loyalty and Retention is Critical

Our topic this month for our newsletter and blogs is “How to survive in a lean market.” It’s an election year, and the economy is characteristically lean. Hence, we’re going to cover how to survive as a business in a lean market. In such an economic climate, customer...

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Are Your Salespeople Like Restaurant Staff?

The topic for this month’s blog and newsletter is “What it means to serve.” Beginning with the pandemic and continuing into the present, customer service has become quite “iffy.” Let’s take a fresh look at returning our commercial world to consistent, quality customer...

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Making Customers Welcome

The topic for this month’s blog and newsletter is “What it means to serve.” Beginning with the pandemic and continuing into the present, customer service has become quite “iffy.” Let’s take a fresh look at returning our commercial world to consistent, quality customer...

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When Did Customer Service Become a Burden?

The topic for this month’s blog and newsletter is “What it means to serve.” Beginning with the pandemic and continuing into the present, customer service has become quite “iffy.” Let’s take a fresh look at returning our commercial world to consistent, quality customer...

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The Guide Versus the Pushy Salesperson

The topic for this month’s blog and newsletter is “What it means to serve.” Beginning with the pandemic and continuing into the present, customer service has become quite “iffy.” Let’s take a fresh look at returning our commercial world to consistent, quality customer...

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Artificial Intelligence Weakening Managers

Our topic for this month deals with an issue very much on the minds of businesses currently: artificial intelligence. The topic is “The Danger of Making People Into Robots with AI.” With minutely detailed instruction evolved by AI and religiously followed by...

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Will Artificial Intelligence Kill Artificial Intelligence?

Our topic for this month deals with an issue very much on the minds of businesses currently: artificial intelligence. The topic is “The Danger of Making People Into Robots with AI.” With minutely detailed instruction evolved by AI and religiously followed by...

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