Understanding How Your Prospect Thinks is Vital to Increasing Your Closing Percentage
When talking with salespeople I'm always amazed at the fact that most believe that they “know” why their prospect should buy their product or service. In discussing this further I have found that this is not based on any real understanding of the individual prospect,...
Handling the Price Objection
Is Price a Valid Objection? 1. First, write down all the places you have heard that pricing is a concern or that you should lower your price to get a deal. These could be articles on the web, your uncle George or the news. Consider whether or not the purpose of these...
Handling the Prospect Who Says “I need to think about it”
Creating Urgency to Speed Up the Sale
1. As an exercise, take a look at any past sales that were supposedly completed and find any that are “stuck” in the sales department. Get the missing sales process steps on each of them completed immediately and move these completed sales out of the sales area to...
How to Handle Referrals from Clients
Sales Management Tips and Tools
Sales in General Tips and Tools
Customer Relationship Tips and Tools
Closing Tips and Tools
The subject of closing is a difficult one for many salespeople. They get caught up in a "should I close the deal/shouldn't I close the deal?' scenario when their own personal doubt sets in. Salespeople who are weak in the area of closing feel that using any kind of...